Je bent hier: Ikwilhet > Hostels online boeken > Wereldwijd / Worldwide >
Welcome to the largest hostels database on the web with 28,329 listings in 7,411 cities.
What makes us different from those other sites?
Twice as many listings as any other online database. Our database is updated daily, including corrections and information from you, our visitors. All listings are provided for free.
Your real brutally honest comments and reviews (the booking sites let hostel owners censor their own reviews).
Over 1,500 exclusive full-length professional reviews written by's own paid reviewers who visit the hostels in person, and over 8,000 exclusive photographs taken by our paid reviewers.
Direct contact information for the accommodations (imagine that!).
We're much more than just a booking site, but if you do want to book online we offer online booking at more hostels than any other website by linking our listings to as many online booking systems as possible (whether or not they pay us commission).
Categorie: Wereldwijd / Worldwide
Onderwerp: Hostels online boeken
Aanvullende informatie:
- Aangemaakt op: 30 juni 2008
- Laatst gewijzigd: 30 juni 2008
- Laatst gecontroleerd: 28 januari 2024